In addition to our sustainability creds on our bottles, labelling, cork and packaging, our sustainability advisor Jack Price is helping us in our efforts in the coming years at Solent Spirit, to be able to offer incredible opportunities to create long lasting and impactful social value in the Solent area. Initially we want to engage with and support local charities such as those who keep our coastlines safe, so in our early years we are working closely with Freshwater Independent Lifeboat on the Isle of Wight, who without public support would not be able to provide their generous service to those in need.
Solent Spirits Lifeboat Initiative has already seen us help the crew and ground staff with polos for support staff and tech T shirts for the crew and further support is pledged as the team seek to secure other equipment. See photos below - how smart!
We are pleased to also support the Disabled Sailors Assoc in the sponsorship of their boat attending the Royal Victoria YC Disability Open Day each July.
Solent Spirit aims to contribute to conservation efforts on British shores and hope to see our Great British coastline boom with marine life for many generations to enjoy.
Fortunately, Hampshire is renowned both for its beauty and biodiversity of its landscape and there is no shortage of opportunities to engage with local conservation initiatives. A specific species we will be helping to conserve is the Native Solent Oyster, one of many keystone species which through their existence also act as a carbon and nitrogen sink, essential in combating climate change and boosting the biogeochemical cycles on which marine life depends.
Jack and the team will announce our Oyster Initiative in due course, as it evolves in a way we hope is unique and provides a real contribution via Solent Spirit's efforts. Watch this space !